Week Four: Burgers and Fries

Bobby-Flay's-Burgers,-FriesEvery cookout, tailgate, barbecue or party has burgers and fries. So we couldn't just make the standard beef balls and slap them on a bun and be happy with our episode of Pigskin Gourmet. We wanted to do something a little more. That's where Bobbie Flay comes in.

We used his book, Burgers, Fries, and Shakes to create the food featured in this episode. And while a hamburger with and egg on top, might seem a little odd to some, you have to try it and I'm sure you'll become a fast fan of fried eggs on your burgers. Also, even before we made the Caesar Burger - which neither of us ever had - there were some doubts as to whether it would be good or not. Really, it's basically a Caesar Salad on top of a burger which, when you think about it, doesn't sound too appealing. That is until you take a bite of it!

We added the Grilled Steak Fries to complete the meal and it help that they could be made on the grill as well, giving you a complete meal without having to venture back into the house to cook.

Recipes: Breakfast Burger Caesar Burger Grilled Steak Fries